Friday, February 10, 2017

Week 7

What did you accomplish this week?

This week we accomplished finishing our first video. We filmed videos on shooting the ball, dribbling it, and we also used our friends to film the passing part of the video. We have also finished editing that video, using movie maker to edit the video. We have added commentary that will go alongside the video as it plays.

What are we working to accomplish right now?

Right now we are working on putting the video in our website and adding some description and more training information in the website. We are working on reaching out to our mentor to get more drills for intermediate players, especially passing drills.

What we want to accomplish next week?

This Friday we are going to film our second video and focus on intermediate players. We hope to be able to finish editing the video and posting it to our website by next Friday. We hope to have our friends Tashinga and Ryan, who are also skilled soccer players, in our following video to help us demonstrate more complex drills. 


  1. Really nice to see all of the progress. do you have steps for each level of a player?

  2. I like how you guy are using some other friends to help you guys film your videos because it gives other people more footage of different level players playing.

  3. Good progress. Is there any specific reason you want to focus more on the passing drills?

  4. I like how you're bringing in your friends into your project and making it a group thing. Keep up the good work!
